I've doing talks on and off for over a decade. I'll be honest with you: this deck of cards isn't going to suddenly make you a better presenter. While I consider my writing and storytelling skills to be OK, I wanted to really deliver an engaging story for what I'd consider the main API specification related conference of the year. My usual talks are pretty technical, or at least focusing on technical activities and plans. This is the first non-technical focused talk I've done in years! I don't even want to work out how many. While I wasn't able to make it to the conference for "reasons", I did want to record and share the talk, as I felt I had a lot of value to offer those on the edge or who needed convincing they should give JSON Schema enough time to understand if it was right for them. "You can use JSON Schema today!" - That's the main message of my most recent talk, delivered for the API Specifications Conference a little earlier this year.