Every participant will be able to see each other's feedback. If the meeting organizer enables the nonverbal feedback feature, participants can choose the Raise Hand emoji option and wait to be recognized.

The emoji will disappear after 10 seconds. To react during a meeting, click the Reactions tab at the bottom of the meeting screen (it's in the same panel as mute audio and video, to the right) and choose the one you want. Send a thumbs-up, a clapping emoji or dozens of other options to communicate without interrupting the meeting. If you're muted in a meeting, you can still let others know your thoughts with emoji reactions. Zoom added a larger set of emoji reactions in an April update. (We've got more tips on how to prevent Zoombombing in your meetings here.) Click on Meeting, then click Waiting Room to enable the setting. To do so, go to Account Management > Account Settings. One way to help prevent unwanted guests from crashing your meeting, or Zoombombing, is by enabling the Waiting Room feature, so you can see who's attempting to join the meeting before allowing them access.

Click Video Settings, and under My Video, check the box for Touch Up My Appearance. To turn it on, click the up arrow next to Start Video. If you've ever used beauty mode on your phone's selfie camera, you know what you're getting. Zoom's Touch Up My Appearance feature aims to smooth over your appearance, making you look dewy and well-rested. Read more: Zoom, Skype, FaceTime: 11 Tips for Your Video Chat Apps 7. You can press and hold the spacebar to quickly mute and unmute your mic, right from your keyboard. When you are called on to speak, stop scrambling to click the microphone button.