– 4 levels of difficulty – including the challenging mode of the original game. – 10 original environments divided into 16 levels. – 4 different styles of gameplay: Side-scrolling run & gun, space racing, bungee jumping and underwater levels. – Run, gun, swing from hooks with your head, launch cows, bungee jump, rocket through speed levels and more. Play as the grooviest earthworm in the galaxy, and explore a crazy universe that offers huge gameplay possibilities: When Jim learns of the evil plans of Psy-Crow and Queen Slug-for-a-Butt, he decides to rescue Princess What’s-Her-Name. Buy Earthworm Jim Collection Includes 3 items: Earthworm Jim, Earthworm Jim 2, Earthworm Jim 3D Package info 19. One day, during a battle in outer space, a suit dropped to Earth and landed on Jim, mutating him into a large and intelligent (at least by earthworm standards) superhero. Jim was an ordinary earthworm who did very earthworm-like things. Blaze! The ship is cooked away, the suit falls helplessly to Earth, Psycrow sees he must pursue the suit.Live or re-live the freaky adventures of Earthworm Jim in a refreshing remake of the classic action/platform game. He reaches inside and pulls out the huge Motha' Blaster of them all! Snott throws up his hands in numb despair, but as Psycrow pulls the trigger Snott jumps in the backpack of the suit. This of course worries Psycrow because he has gun envy. Snott reaches inside for a slightly bigger gun. Psycrow pulls out a gun to make Snott hand over the suit. The craft is being pursued by the infamous bounty hunter Psycrow. Meanwhile, out in space, a tiny renegade ship piloted by Snott a booper-being escapes from the evil Queen with a stolen ultra-high tech, indestructible, super space cyber suit on board. It was a day like any other! A crow pursues a worm through a field. Earthworm Jim is a 1994 run and gun platform game developed by Shiny Entertainment, featuring an earthworm named Jim, who wears a robotic suit and battles. Now Jim must make it to Princess-What's-Her-Name by staying clear of Psy-row, the intergalactic bounty hunter, until the final battle with Queen Slug-for-a-Butt Then a cosmic twist of fate placed him in control of an ultra-high-tech-indestructible-super-space-cyber-suit. He was once just a spineless, dirt eater with no real mission in life.